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…and you were also not born to demand perfection of others. I’ve been so humb…

…and you were also not born to demand perfection of others.

I've been so humbled lately by watching some of my friends and family perform some really spectacular acts of grace and non-judgment in their relationships with each other.

As somebody who can be a TAD bit judgey (of myself and, I'm sorry to report, of others) it is always such an education for me when I watch people drop their egos and release their defenses and just allow life and humanity and the world to be REAL.

Right now, I'm watching a friend of mine work through a problem with a family member whom he loves dearly but who has been causing him considerable trouble. My friend has established some healthy boundaries with this person, but he hasn't cut off the relationship. (All I can say is: I would have cut off that relationship, if it were me. In fact, my OWN ego is offended, by how this family member is treating my friend….and it doesn't even have anything to do with me!)

But my friend has nothing but forgiveness and openness in his heart.

He explained it this way: "At my age, I simply can't care about the offense or the upset anymore. I only care about the person. So I'm willing let it go. I don't need to always be right anymore. I just want to be at peace with myself and with everyone."

I took his hand and said, "Walk me through that. Show me how."

He said, "Just let everyone be human, and bless their humanity, and rub a little God on it, and let it go."

I want nothing more than to have that much grace and space inside me — plenty of room for everyone's contradictions to flare up however they have to, without me getting all bent out of shape and constricted by my judgments and opinions.

So my Sunday prayer today is this: Help me learn how to get closer to accepting the real in all circumstances and all people, and further away from demanding the perfect out of anyone or anything.

Please, God, let my ego get smaller while my heart grows only bigger.

Amen and ONWARD,

via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall

WEEKLY HOUSEKEEPING! Dear Ones – We get a lot of new people joining this Faceb…


Dear Ones –

We get a lot of new people joining this Facebook page every day (thank you for joining our little community, new folks!) so once a week, I try to give everyone all the information they might want, about other places on the Internet to find me.

So let’s run down the list:

My website is There, you can find information on all my upcoming events, see videos, read my thoughts on the writing process, and download book club guides to my books!

I have an email newsletter (where I always reveal my big news first, see exclusive home videos, and sometimes run contests, when I remember to.) You can join the newsletter by clicking the icon on the left of this page called "LizNews" and signing up. (You can also sign up for LizNews on the homepage of my website.)

You can follow me on Twitter, where I basically just goof off, at:

You can follow me on Instagram (which I just started because some 14-year-olds told me to) at:

You can follow me on Pinterest (that addictive crack house, whose vortex I try not to tumble down too often because it’s a gorgeous suckhole) at:

And if you EVER want to buy to buy signed copies of ANY of my books, you can buy them online through the shop, Two Buttons, that I run in New Jersey with my husband (otherwise known as “that Brazilian guy”.) The link is right here:

That is all, my dears!

(And yes, in all these various social media forums, it is actually ME doing the posting, the chatting, the responding, the pinning, the time-wasting. I like it. It’s fun. I like hanging out with you guys. I’m glad you like hanging out with me. Also, I have no children and my husband cooks, so I have plenty of extra time on my hands…)


Thanks for everything!


via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall

KARAOKE WISDOM Dear Ones – Two life lessons about Karaoke for you this morning…


Dear Ones –

Two life lessons about Karaoke for you this morning.


On my birthday last year, some friends and I went out for Karaoke, because I love Karaoke. (The photo below is me singing FAITHFULLY by Journey. Because I truly love that song.) Anyhow, my friend Jimi got up to sing WALK LIKE AN EGYPTIAN, and although he wasn't overly familiar with that particular song, and he didn't really manage to hit all the notes, he sang it with all his heart. As he sang, he also danced with genuine passion and joy. It was awesome. After he was done, I congratulated Jimi on his amazing performance and he said, "The only want to NOT look like a fool when you do Karaoke is to show up for it 100%."


I just heard a story last night about this hipster dude, who was doing a cross-country road trip across America, and who liked to entertain himself on the road by going into dumb Karoake bars all across the country and singing mocking renditions of songs he really hated, just to make himself laugh. Then one night, somewhere in Iowa, an old farmer came up to the hipster after he had fake-sung some Elton John song, and said, "Don't." The hipster was confused, but the farmer clarified: "Whatever it is you're doing up there when you sing, don't. Don't do that anymore. The people who come to this bar work really hard, and they come seeking a real emotional release. They choose songs to sing because they genuinely love those songs — because those songs make them happy, or sad, or because the songs remind them of some part of their life that had meaning. What you're doing, on the other hand, is just mockery. Don't." And the hipster dude was humbled and schooled, and maybe after that he became a tiny bit less of a total jackass.


In life, as in Karaoke, the only way NOT to make a fool out of yourself is to show up 100%.

And the only way to access your humanity — or anyone else's — is to be an earnest person.

Show up, and be earnest.


That's the formula, right there.

Then shut your eyes and just sing your heart out.


via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall

GIVE THE GIFT OF A BOOK THIS CHRISTMAS! Dear Ones – My wonderful UK publishers…


Dear Ones –

My wonderful UK publishers at Bloomsbury Publishing UK have just made this gorgeous and clever little video, about the love of books.

Watch it if you can — it's so sweet.

So many great quotes from authors…including my quote at the end!

ONWARD forever into the love of reading!


Give the gift of a book this Christmas
We wanted to make a video that reminded people of the power of reading and the importance of great writing. We realised that the authors we publish – from Sh…

via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall