Such a beautiful HAPPINESS JAR, all the way from Poland! Thank you for sharing, Agnieszka!

Photos of Elizabeth Gilbert
Dear Liz! After watching your TED talk today, I decided to share my Happy Jar with you. 🙂 You may notice today's contrast between the happy sunny inside and the gloomy rainy outside. Don't we need both to appreciate life? 😉 Outside, you can see the lavender and my favorite flower of all, now in season and blooming in the background – the violet lilac tree.
I have taken up this gratitude practice this year that I had learned from your page and have been placing my happy thoughts in the jar right before bedtime. It gives me a sense of content and appreciation before I fall asleep, which is priceless and I thank you for it! And btw, your TED talk was so much in line with what I have written an hour ago in my journal – it gave me goosebumps and happy tears. We are all so connected at some inexplicable level and the support and motivation we can all give each other without being real world friends is amazing and real, even in the cyberspace. Thank you dear for being you and sharing yourself with us! &lt;3 PS. I am trying to get your original SOAT here to read it exactly as you wrote it – can&#039;t wait! 😀 — in <a href="; data-ft="&#123;&quot;tn&quot;:&quot;P&quot;&#125;" data-hovercard="/ajax/hovercard/page.php?id=102173906491082&amp;extragetparams=%7B%22directed_target_id%22%3Anull%7D">Czestochowa, Poland</a>.

via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall