My dear, sweet, fellow readers —

The day is nearly upon us. Tomorrow, Saturday June 8th, we shall spend the whole of the day discussing the mutually-read (and widely loved) novel "Jane Eyre".

The book club will begin as soon as I wake up.

It will go on for many, many hours. I don't know how many. But many. We'll see how long we can keep it going. It'll be a Brontë-thon!

I shall begin posting questions and notions about Jane Eyre as soon as I rise, and I look forward to hearing everyone's thoughts, so that we can all respond to one another throughout the day. I'll try to post a new thought or question or response every hour. Together — with delight and respect and, yes, a bit of fun — we shall take apart this weird and wild book.

You may all jump in and out of the discussion at any time.

And yes, you may join us even if you have never read it, or have only seen movie versions. Because we are not strict and cruel Miss Scratcherds here…no, we are not! We are Miss Temples, all of us. Thus, everyone is welcome.


See you back here tomorrow, my fellow Jane-i-acs!

Cordially yours,
Ëlizabëth Gilbërt

via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall