Next week, thanks to the NSW State Library (https://www.sl.nsw.gov.au/) and Google+, I will be taking part in a rather unusual event.

I’ll be joining an Australian audience at the NSW State Library via a Google+ Hangout. The ABC’s Jennifer Byrne (https://www.abc.net.au/tv/firsttuesday/about/jennifer_byre.htm) will be hosting the event on behalf of the library, and this is your chance to become involved…wherever you live in the world.

A Google+ Hangout is a little bit like a social Skype with up to ten people in the digital room. If you would like to be one of those ten people, you will need a Google+ account. If you have a Gmail account, you already have one and can just sign in with your Gmail login! If not, here is more information about how to set up an account:


Once you are in Google+, please sign up for the event here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c6sn5sqacht19fuao075huh6ke4

It’s also important to circle (follow) +Bloomsbury Publishing (https://plus.google.com/u/0/+BloomsburyPublishing/posts) to watch for an invite to join the Hangout.

And you can find me (https://plus.google.com/u/0/100413305696294294513/posts) on Google+ as well.

We will also be taking written questions from Facebook and Google+, so feel free to post your questions and we will take the best questions to be posed to me in front of a live audience on the night of the event!

BTW, I actually met with Jennifer Byrne at the NSW State Library recently for an interview. Here it is: (https://www.abc.net.au/tv/firsttuesday/s3855365.htm) .


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via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall