Dear Ones —

It's been lovely to see some HAPPINESS JAR photos showing up on my wall again. For those of you who may have missed the original post explaining the HAPPINESS JAR, here it is…

You have no idea how…well, HAPPY…it makes me to imagine that people across the world are taking up this practice along with me. I've been doing it for years, and I'm so glad I have.

It's the simplest imaginable habit and the rewards are so rich. Every evening I put another little note in my jar recording my happiest moment of the day. Or, on shitty days, I record the least shitty moment! BECAUSE THERE IS ALWAYS ONE LEAST SHITTY MOMENT A DAY! (That's an uplifting quote, eh? Print THAT on your tea bags, Yogi Tea brand!) Then, just for pleasure, I dig out an old note from the jar, unfold it, and marvel at some tiny little perfect instant from three or four years ago that I might otherwise have forgotten forever.

The gratification is instant, sincere and thorough. There is no easier expression of everyday gratitude than this. And they say there is no sturdier or surer ladder to happiness than an everyday practice of gratitude.

Delighted that so many of you have joined me,

Timeline Photos
JAR OF HAPPINESS. I made a vow to myself years ago that every night I would write down the happiest moment of my day and save it forever. I did this for a long time. This photo is my most recent JAR OF HAPPINESS, loyally filled with little scraps of old bills and junk mail, with the best moment of each day scrawled on the backs. For some reason, over the last year, I have let the practice go—not because I've been sad (even in a sad day, after all, there is always one least-crappy moment) but because I've been too busy. Too busy to take 10 seconds every night to preserve the simplest and happiest moments of my life? ENOUGH! Time to start stuffing the jar with joy again! I'm beginning again today. Who's with me?

via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall