A friend of this page shared this photo today and it made me laugh out loud this morning.

And it's exactly what I needed to see.

I'm leaving today to head to Atlanta, to begin rehearsals for Oprah Winfrey's THE LIFE YOU WANT TOUR. For those of you who haven't heard about it — Oprah's doing an incredible 8-city-wide, weekend-long stadium tour across America this autumn, inspiring people to change their lives…and she has invited me to be part of it.

(Here is the link for information and tickets: https://ift.tt/1jv3erI)

I'll be giving a speech about quests and adventures and women's courage….and I will be totally channeling my inner warrior princess, in order to pull it off!

Needless to say, I have never spoken before to a stadium filled with 15,000 people.

It makes my knees weak and it makes my stomach tumble in fear.

But it also makes me want to ROAR.

I say this to you all the time, but today I am saying it specifically to myself: ONWARD!


via Elizabeth Gilbert’s Facebook Wall